After a roller-coaster of a year filled with two international adoptions and Jen’s battle with cancer, Jen Arnold and Bill Klein are ready to turn their attention to raising 4-year old Will and 2-year old Zoey.
Now that Jen has been cancer-free for several months, she returns to juggling motherhood and her career as a doctor at Texas Children’s Hospital. As a family, they move forward in acclimating their children to life in the U.S. by working with the children on their language skills and enrolling them in pre-school. They share the joys of celebrating the children’s baptisms, Bill’s 40th birthday as well as Zoey’s first birthday in the U.S.
After all the ups and downs of the past year, all Jen and Bill want is a calm and quiet year. But that is unlikely to happen, as medical challenges continue to emerge for the family. Jen is due for her 6-month oncology check-up, the children need full medical evaluations and Bill discovers that he needs major spinal surgery that could put him out of commission for months. The Little Couple will face all of these challenges as they always do – together.
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